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Number of items: 35
Date joined: Feb 06 2017

Sara Rosenbaum's Work


Multiple Intermittent Infusions Pharmacokinetics

The model shows the unique plasma concentration-time profile associated with the administration of a ... Read more
The model shows the unique plasma concentration-time profile associated with the administration of a drug using multiple short infusions. It demonstrates the influence of the duration of the infusion and allows the user to practice the calculation of a suitable dose and dosing interval to achieve desired peak and trough plasma concentrations of a drug.
sim7963 runs, 44 downloads
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Multiple intermittent infusions aminoglycoside infusion drug interactive pharmacokinetics

Model 27. Hematological Toxicity of Anticancer Drugs

This model shows the typical effect of several anticancer drugs on the number of circulating neutrop ... Read more
This model shows the typical effect of several anticancer drugs on the number of circulating neutrophils. The drugs destroy neutrophils as they develop in the bone marrow, and its takes several days for their action to affect the circulating neutrophils. The model demonstrates how inter-individual variability in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics can effect the magnitude and duration of this response.
sim566 runs, 17 downloads
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Neutropenia Hematological Toxicity Pharmacodynamic

Indirect Effect Model 1

Some drugs do not directly produce the measured drug response. Instead they act upstream, and either ... Read more
Some drugs do not directly produce the measured drug response. Instead they act upstream, and either increase or decrease the amount of the entity that directly mediates the response (response variable). Indirect effect Model I can be used for drugs that inhibit the synthesis of the response variable. An example is warfarin which inhibits the synthesis of clotting factors.
sim2971 runs, 40 downloads
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indirect effect warfarin inhibition of kin

Indirect Effect Model 2

Some drugs do not directly produce the measured drug response. Instead they act upstream, and either ... Read more
Some drugs do not directly produce the measured drug response. Instead they act upstream, and either increase or decrease the amount of the entity that directly mediates the response (response variable). Indirect effect Model 2 can be used for drugs that inhibit the degradation of the response variable. As a result they increase the amount of the response variable.
sim845 runs, 11 downloads
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Drug Inhibition of kout Indirect effect

Indirect Effect Model 4

Some drugs do not directly produce the measured drug response. Instead they act upstream, and either ... Read more
Some drugs do not directly produce the measured drug response. Instead they act upstream, and either increase or decrease the amount of the entity that directly mediates the response (response variable). Indirect effect Model IV can be used for drugs that stimulate the degradation of the response variable. As a result they decrease the amount of the response variable.
sim1045 runs, 15 downloads
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Drug Pharmacodynamics Indirect Effect Model 4 Stimulation of kout

Operational Model of Agonism

The operational model of agonism provides a way of measuring drug efficacy and affinity in-vivo.
sim2323 runs

Model 13. DDI 1 Time Dependent Enzyme Inhibition

This simulation demonstrates the properties of time dependent enzyme inhibition. Specifically it sho ... Read more
This simulation demonstrates the properties of time dependent enzyme inhibition. Specifically it shows how the inhibitor’s KI and kinact and the derived parameter kobs, control inhibition. It also demonstrates how the enzyme’s degradation rate constant controls recovery.
sim675 runs
Time dependent enzyme inhibition mechansim based inhibition recovery

Pharmacokinetics: An IV Injection on a Two Compartment Model

This model shows the profile of a drug after an intravenous injection when the drug displays two com ... Read more
This model shows the profile of a drug after an intravenous injection when the drug displays two compartment characteristics
sim26159 runs, 76 downloads
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drug pharmacokinetics IV two compartment model

Multiple Oral Doses Pharmacokinetics

Most commonly people take oral doses of a drug over an extended period. This model demonstrates the ... Read more
Most commonly people take oral doses of a drug over an extended period. This model demonstrates the unique plasma concentration profile associated with this type of drug administration. The model assumes first-order drug absorption with no lag time. Simulations can be carried out to observe how the rate and extent of absorption (bioavailability) affect the profile.
sim20249 runs, 79 downloads
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multiple oral doses interactive pharmacokinetics drug bioavailability

Transit Compartment of Drug Action

Change image Submit your own comment on the simulation. Share Comment upgrade hosting plan d ... Read more
Change image Submit your own comment on the simulation. Share Comment upgrade hosting plan delete simulation Transit Compartment Model of Drug Response By Sara Rosenbaum Sim URL: Sim access:Other authors can download source model Sim plan: Simulate Free Sim stats:This sim has been run 326 times. This simulation was uploaded to Forio Simulate with the isee NetSim software. More information can be found at Your Rating: 1 star2 star3 star4 star5 star Average Rating: rating(1) Click here to edit the description A delay in response to a drug can occur when it takes a long time for the drug’s initial effect to be translated into the final response (a long transduction process). The delayed response profile can be captured using a series of transit compartments.
sim1249 runs, 38 downloads
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Pharmacodynamics Transit compartment Delayed drug action

Nonlinear Pharmacokinetics and Phenytoin

Nonlinear or capacity limited pharmacokinetics can occur whenever a process involved in the absorpti ... Read more
Nonlinear or capacity limited pharmacokinetics can occur whenever a process involved in the absorption, distribution or elimination of a drug becomes saturated. This model demonstrates nonlinear elimination (metabolism) using phenytoin as the model drug. Specifically, it demonstrates how increasing doses of the drug produce disproportionate increases in the plasma concentration. It also demonstrates how the model parameters, Km and Vmax influence of the plasma concentration -time profile.
sim10846 runs, 53 downloads
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nonlinear pharmacokinetics capacity limited elimination drug phenytoin

Take the Infusion Challenge

Use this model to see if you can use a drug's pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties to dete ... Read more
Use this model to see if you can use a drug's pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties to determine the initial rate of drug administration. See if you can identify potential drug-drug interactions and respond when appropriate by making appropriate modifications to the dose.
sim14337 runs
Dosing Drug Pharmacokinetics Constant Continuous Input

Integrated PK-PD Model For Lipoamide

Lipoamide is a fictitious antipyretic (fever reducing) drug that is believed to work by reducing the ... Read more
Lipoamide is a fictitious antipyretic (fever reducing) drug that is believed to work by reducing the synthesis of cytokines. Based on its mechanism of action and the characteristics of its response, an indirect effect model I (inhibition of kin) was used to model its effect. This model can be used to probe optimum dosing regimens of lipoamide.
sim429 runs
Indirect effect model Inhibition of kin pharmacodynamics

Intravenous Infusion

This model demonstrates the pharmacokinetic characteristics of constant continuous drug administrati ... Read more
This model demonstrates the pharmacokinetic characteristics of constant continuous drug administration.
sim30940 runs, 98 downloads
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drug pharmacokinetics intravenous infusion zero order input constant continuous drug administration

Tolerance- Precursor Pool Model

Tolerance may be defined as a process that results in a reduction in the response to a specific drug ... Read more
Tolerance may be defined as a process that results in a reduction in the response to a specific drug concentration following repeated drug exposure. Tolerance could occur if an endogenous compound that plays an essential role in the response chain becomes depleted during response. This model assumes the drug stimulates the production of a response variable which becomes then becomes depleted.
sim1219 runs, 15 downloads
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Tolerance Pharmacodynamic precurosr pool depletion model

Model 2. Drug Transporters

This simulation shows the location and functioning of the major clinically important drug transporte ... Read more
This simulation shows the location and functioning of the major clinically important drug transporters in the : gastrointestinal membrane; renal tubular membrane; and the membranes of the hepatocyte. Simulations demonstrate their functioning after oral and intravenous doses of a drug substrate
sim58509 runs
drug transporters efflux uptake drug absorption

Mulitple Bolus Injections Pharmacokinetics

This model shows the typical plasma concentration profile associated with the administration of seve ... Read more
This model shows the typical plasma concentration profile associated with the administration of several doses of a drug over time. It demonstrates the determinants of the fluctuation in the plasma concentrations, the accumulation of the drug over the course of therapy and the resting steady state plasma concentrations.
sim27403 runs, 87 downloads
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drug pharmacokinetics multiple doses multiple intravenous bolus injections

Sigmoidal Emax Model of Drug Response

This is the model that is most commonly used to for the time course of drug effects in man. It assum ... Read more
This is the model that is most commonly used to for the time course of drug effects in man. It assumes that the response is driven by the blood or plasma concentrations of the drug. When the model parameters are known, it can be used to predict response at anytime time after any dose.
sim11824 runs, 64 downloads
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Pharmacodynamic Drug Sigmoidal Emax Emax

Model 14. DDI 2 Enzyme Induction

This simulation demonstrates the model used for the induction of the drug metabolizing enzymes. It i ... Read more
This simulation demonstrates the model used for the induction of the drug metabolizing enzymes. It illustrates how the inducing drug's characteristics (Emax and EC50) control the degree of induction and the rate of degradation of the enzyme controls recove..
sim614 runs
pharmacokinetics enzyme induction rifampin

Model 34. Fentanyl Induced Respiratory Depression and its Reversal With Naloxone

This models demonstrates the varying degrees of respiratory depression caused by fentanyl and its re ... Read more
This models demonstrates the varying degrees of respiratory depression caused by fentanyl and its reversal by naloxone. It also demonstrates that the action of naloxone is short lived and that additional doses may be needed
sim1044 runs
Opioid opioid overdose naloxone Narcan

Oral Absorption

This model is based on first order absoprtion in a 1-compartment model
sim57682 runs, 162 downloads
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Drug Absoprtion Bioavailability Bioequivalence

Irreversible Drug Effects - Proton Pump Inhibitors

Some drugs act by binding covalently to their receptors. As a result, the target is destroyed and it ... Read more
Some drugs act by binding covalently to their receptors. As a result, the target is destroyed and its function returns only when it has been replaced by newly synthesized product. The target may be a protein, DNA, an enzyme, or a cell at any stage of development. This model has been applied to the action of the proton pump inhibitors, which bind to and destroy the H+,K+-ATPase pumps in the parietal cells of the gastric mucosa. Normal proton secretion is restored only when the pumps are replaced by newly synthesized functioning pumps (i.e., the usual turnover time of the system).
sim2603 runs, 28 downloads
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Pharmacodynamic Irreversible Drug Effects Proton Pump Inhibitors PPI Response Model

Tolerance-Nicotine- Hypothetical Antagonist

Tolerance may be defined as a process that results in a reduction in the response to a specific drug ... Read more
Tolerance may be defined as a process that results in a reduction in the response to a specific drug concentration following repeated drug exposure. One model for tolerance assumes that the drug produces a hypothetical metabolite that opposes its action.
sim10342 runs, 32 downloads
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Tolerance Nicotine Hypothetical Antagonist

Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model

This model shows how to build a PBPK model and how drug concentrations in different tissues can be s ... Read more
This model shows how to build a PBPK model and how drug concentrations in different tissues can be simulated
sim3431 runs
Drug Pharmacokinetic PBPK Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model

Pharmacokinetics: An IV Injection in a 1-Compartment Model

sim47967 runs, 101 downloads
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Extended Hepatic Cl Model

This model assumes permeability controlled hepatic uptake and demonstrates the role of passive diffu ... Read more
This model assumes permeability controlled hepatic uptake and demonstrates the role of passive diffusion, hepatic uptake transporters, hepatic matabolism and hepatic efflux transporters on overall hepatic elimination
sim769 runs
Biology Science Education Extended clearance Permeability controlled distribution

Model 17. DDI 5 Inhibition of Gut and Hepatic Metabolism

This model demonstrates the effect of an inhibiotr that acts on enzymes both the gastrointestinal me ... Read more
This model demonstrates the effect of an inhibiotr that acts on enzymes both the gastrointestinal membrane and the liver. It also demonstrates the effect of grapefruit juice on drugs netaboliized by CYP3A
sim806 runs
Intestinal extraction Fg DDI Drug interactions Grapefruit juice

Model 21. Emax Model of Drug Response With an Effect Compartment

This model demonstrates how an effect compartment can be added to a pharmacokinetic model to accommo ... Read more
This model demonstrates how an effect compartment can be added to a pharmacokinetic model to accommodate a delay in drug response caused by a slow distribution of a drug to its site of action. The simulation also explains hysteresis
sim3170 runs, 37 downloads
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Drug Hysteresis Effect Compartment Pharmacodynamics

Model 20. DDI Drug-Drug Interactions - Pharmacodynamic

This model demonstrates the interaction between two agonists. The pharmacodynamic characteristics of ... Read more
This model demonstrates the interaction between two agonists. The pharmacodynamic characteristics of the perpetrator drug can be changed to create a full agonist, a partial agonist and a full antagonist
sim3672 runs
DDI Drug Drug Interactions Pharmacodynamic Full agonist Partial agonist

Indirect Effect Model 3

Some drugs do not directly produce the measured drug response. Instead they act upstream, and either ... Read more
Some drugs do not directly produce the measured drug response. Instead they act upstream, and either increase or decrease the amount of the entity that directly mediates the response (response variable). Indirect effect Model III can be used for drugs that stimulate the production of the response variable. As a result they increase the amount of the response variable.
sim252 runs, 14 downloads
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Drug Pharmacodynamics Indirect Effect Model 3 Stimulation of kin

Understanding Restrictive and Nonrestrictive Hepatic Clearance

Many drugs are removed from the body by metabolism in the liver. A drug's hepatic clearance is a me ... Read more
Many drugs are removed from the body by metabolism in the liver. A drug's hepatic clearance is a measure of the liver's ability to metabolize a drug. This simulation demonstrates the characteristics of high extraction (nonrestrictive clearance, low extraction (restrictive clearance and intermediate clearance.
sim9550 runs
drug metabolism clearance elimination restrictive clearance

Model 16. DDI 4 Time Dependent Enzyme Inhibition Desipramine and Paroxetine

This simulation demonstrates the characteristics of time dependent enzyme inhibition using paroxetin ... Read more
This simulation demonstrates the characteristics of time dependent enzyme inhibition using paroxetine's inhibition of desipramine as an example
sim257 runs
DDI Drug interactions Time dependent inhibition Paroxetine Desipramine

Model 15. DDI 3 Reversisble Enzyme Inhibition: Midazolam Fluconazole

This model demonstrates the characteristics of reversible enzyme inhibition using fluconazole's inhi ... Read more
This model demonstrates the characteristics of reversible enzyme inhibition using fluconazole's inhibition of midazolam as an example.
sim4629 runs
Reversible inhibition Competitive inhibition Midazolam Fluconazole Enzyme inhibition

Model 1. Introduction to PK and PD

This model allows users to use trial and error to identify appropriate doses of a drug for IV, oral ... Read more
This model allows users to use trial and error to identify appropriate doses of a drug for IV, oral and other extravascular routes of administration
sim81860 runs
Pharmacokinetics Pharmacodynamics Therapeutic Range

Model 20. DDI Drug-Drug Interactions - Pharmacodynamic

This model demonstrates the interaction between two agonists and allows the efficacy (Emax) of one t ... Read more
This model demonstrates the interaction between two agonists and allows the efficacy (Emax) of one to be varied
model1808 downloads
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Drug Interactions Pharmacodynamic Partial Agonist

Uploading a Bundle from Zip

Instead of creating bundles, categories, and assemblies one by one, you can upload a single zip file that contains all of your bundle's content. To create your zipped bundle, make a folder with your bundle's name and add subfolders with your categories' names. The folder tree should have the same structure that you want the categories to have in your bundle. Place your assembly .stmx files in the appropriate category folders, then zip your bundle folder and upload it using the Upload Bundle from Zip link above.

Assemblies, Bundles, and Categories

Assemblies are self contained models that demonstrate common ways to connect together building blocks and that can be used as parts of other models. This is analogous to using prefabricated wall and roof pieces to construct a house.

Bundles are groups of assemblies with a common use or theme. For example, a Health Care bundle might contain a variety of assemblies that aid in creating health care models. When you download assemblies from the isee Exchange™, you download an entire bundle, rather than individual assemblies.

Categories are subgroups of assemblies within a bundle. For example, a Health Care bundle might contain a Funding category for assemblies related to the management of hospital funds. All assemblies must be assigned to a category—they cannot be assigned to the root of a bundle.

Assemblies, bundles, and categories can be created and uploaded to the isee Exchange™ via the options on the Manage My Assemblies page. To learn more, visit our help pages, or take our assemblies tutorial.

Sim App (Sim)

An interface that allows users to interact with a model.

Image of a sim

Sim apps allow users to interact with a model using buttons, sliders, knobs, tables, graphs, and storytelling. These interactions help users understand how parts of a system interact.

Interfaces are created by model authors in the Stella desktop software and can be uploaded to the isee Exchange™.


A diagram that represents how elements in a system influence one another.

Image of a model

Models are mathematical representations of how elements in a system are connected and interact (e.g., ecosystems, organizations, supply chains). When running models on the isee Exchange™, results can be viewed in output devices like graphs and tables.

Models appear in the isee Exchange™ directory when authors upload them from the Stella® desktop software or create them with Stella Online™.

Causal Loop Diagram (CLD)

A map that represents the feedback structure of a system.

Image of a CLD

CLDs are high-level maps that represents the feedback structure of a system and easily communicate the essence of a model. They appear in the isee Exchange™ when authors upload them from the Stella desktop software or create them with Stella Online™.