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Number of items: 9
Date joined: Dec 12 2017

Raafat's Work



This is a work in progress ..
sim44 runs

Simulating the Dynamics of Self-Regulation, Emotion, Grit, and Student Performance in Cyber-Learning Environments

This research presents the results of development and validation of the Cyclical Self-Regulated Lear ... Read more
This research presents the results of development and validation of the Cyclical Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) Simulation Model, a model of student cognitive and metacognitive experiences learning mathematics within an intelligent tutoring system (ITS). Patterned after Zimmerman and Moylan’s (2009) Cyclical SRL Model, the Simulation Model depicts a feedback cycle connecting forethought, performance and self-reflection, with emotion hypothesized as a key determinant of student learning. A mathematical model was developed in steps, using data collected from students during their sessions within the ITS, developing solutions using structural equation modeling, and using these coefficients to calibrate a System Dynamics (SD) Simulation model. Results provide validation of the Cyclical SRL Model, confirming the interplay of grit, emotion, and performance in the ITS. The Simulation Model enables mathematical simulations depicting a variety of student background types and intervention styles and supporting deeper future explorations of dimensions of student learning. Authors: Janice Kooken, Raafat M Zaini, Ivon Arroyo
sim101 runs
Education Grit Intelligent Tutoring System System Dynamics Structural Equation Modeling


A first attempt at conceptualizing the dynamic relationship between emotions and grit and their infl ... Read more
A first attempt at conceptualizing the dynamic relationship between emotions and grit and their influence on student performance in cyberlearning environments
sim38 runs
learning support scaffold online science

Project Dynamics Simulation Dashboard

This simple project simulation shows the effect of qualtiy and time to discover rework on the proges ... Read more
This simple project simulation shows the effect of qualtiy and time to discover rework on the progess of the project to complete its deliverables on time.
sim129 runs
Technology project management

University Students Enrollment Growth Model

In response to financial issues, the administration at an undergraduate tuition-dependent university ... Read more
In response to financial issues, the administration at an undergraduate tuition-dependent university pushed for growth in student enrollment. The faculty, who argued that the quality of education had been declining, resisted the expansion. More students also affected the use of the university’s infrastructure. By actively engaging key stakeholders, we developed a simple system dynamics model of university expansion.
sim193 runs
educational policy modelling higher education management stakeholders engagement organizational learning

Simple SIR model

This is a imple SIR model to epxlain the dynamic behavior of an epedimc. It is based on Sterman (200 ... Read more
This is a imple SIR model to epxlain the dynamic behavior of an epedimc. It is based on Sterman (2000).
sim135 runs
Science Epidemiology public health


model768 downloads
Download Model

SIR model

This is a simple SIR model from John Sterman's Book (Business Dynamics, 2000). It does not consider ... Read more
This is a simple SIR model from John Sterman's Book (Business Dynamics, 2000). It does not consider adding new infectious cases over time.
model981 downloads
Download Model
Education Epidemic


A first attempt at conceptualizing the dynamic relationship between emotions and grit and their infl ... Read more
A first attempt at conceptualizing the dynamic relationship between emotions and grit and their influence on student performance in cyberlearning environments
model1614 downloads
Download Model
learning support scaffold online science

Uploading a Bundle from Zip

Instead of creating bundles, categories, and assemblies one by one, you can upload a single zip file that contains all of your bundle's content. To create your zipped bundle, make a folder with your bundle's name and add subfolders with your categories' names. The folder tree should have the same structure that you want the categories to have in your bundle. Place your assembly .stmx files in the appropriate category folders, then zip your bundle folder and upload it using the Upload Bundle from Zip link above.

Assemblies, Bundles, and Categories

Assemblies are self contained models that demonstrate common ways to connect together building blocks and that can be used as parts of other models. This is analogous to using prefabricated wall and roof pieces to construct a house.

Bundles are groups of assemblies with a common use or theme. For example, a Health Care bundle might contain a variety of assemblies that aid in creating health care models. When you download assemblies from the isee Exchange™, you download an entire bundle, rather than individual assemblies.

Categories are subgroups of assemblies within a bundle. For example, a Health Care bundle might contain a Funding category for assemblies related to the management of hospital funds. All assemblies must be assigned to a category—they cannot be assigned to the root of a bundle.

Assemblies, bundles, and categories can be created and uploaded to the isee Exchange™ via the options on the Manage My Assemblies page. To learn more, visit our help pages, or take our assemblies tutorial.

Sim App (Sim)

An interface that allows users to interact with a model.

Image of a sim

Sim apps allow users to interact with a model using buttons, sliders, knobs, tables, graphs, and storytelling. These interactions help users understand how parts of a system interact.

Interfaces are created by model authors in the Stella desktop software and can be uploaded to the isee Exchange™.


A diagram that represents how elements in a system influence one another.

Image of a model

Models are mathematical representations of how elements in a system are connected and interact (e.g., ecosystems, organizations, supply chains). When running models on the isee Exchange™, results can be viewed in output devices like graphs and tables.

Models appear in the isee Exchange™ directory when authors upload them from the Stella® desktop software or create them with Stella Online™.

Causal Loop Diagram (CLD)

A map that represents the feedback structure of a system.

Image of a CLD

CLDs are high-level maps that represents the feedback structure of a system and easily communicate the essence of a model. They appear in the isee Exchange™ when authors upload them from the Stella desktop software or create them with Stella Online™.