Featured Author

John Hayward

I am a Visiting Research Fellow in Mathematics at the University of South Wales. Before my retirement, I was a senior lecturer at the university, teaching specialist courses in system dynamics, mathematical modelling and agent-based methods. I was awarded a BSc in astrophysics, and a PhD in applied mathematics, from the University of London, and then spent my career as a lecturer in mathematics. My research is in mathematical sociology with applications to the spread of social phenomena, such as ... Read more

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We found 15 items
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Urban Business Expansion

The business sector of the Three Stock Urban Dynamics model is examined using the Hayward/Boswell Lo ... Read more
The business sector of the Three Stock Urban Dynamics model is examined using the Hayward/Boswell Loop Impact Method.
sim2,956 runs, 142 downloads
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Loop Dominance Limits to Growth Shifting loop dominance Urban Dyanmics Loop Impact

Limits to Growth Archetype

Shifting loop dominance in a limits-to-growth archetype is examined using the Hayward/Boswell Loop I ... Read more
Shifting loop dominance in a limits-to-growth archetype is examined using the Hayward/Boswell Loop Impact Method.
sim2,260 runs, 226 downloads
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Business Loop Dominance Limits to Growth Shifting loop dominance Urban Dyanmics

Building a Model of Church Growth Using System Dynamics

This simulation talks you through the steps involved in building a simple model of church growth and ... Read more
This simulation talks you through the steps involved in building a simple model of church growth and decline. System dynamics terms are explained. The consequences of hypotheses are examined as they are introduced.
sim1,757 runs, 31 downloads
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church growth word of mouth enthusiasts model construction Hayward

Limited Enthusiasm Model of Church Growth

A model of the growth of the Christian Church in periods of religious revival. The growth mechanism ... Read more
A model of the growth of the Christian Church in periods of religious revival. The growth mechanism is similar to the spread of an infectious disease.
sim1,549 runs, 59 downloads
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Church growth Revival Religion Epidemiology Enthusiasts

Inventory Workforce Model

Oscillations in an Inventory Workforce model are examined using the Hayward/Boswell Loop Impact Meth ... Read more
Oscillations in an Inventory Workforce model are examined using the Hayward/Boswell Loop Impact Method.
sim1,051 runs, 178 downloads
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Loop Impact Loop Impact Workforce Inventory Control Oscillations

Turchin’s Metaethnic Frontier Theory of Imperial Growth

A country builds its empire by attacking its neighbours and taking over both their land and their pe ... Read more
A country builds its empire by attacking its neighbours and taking over both their land and their people. The larger the empire becomes, the more resources they have available to take further territory by force. However the further they expand, the harder they find it to keep expanding due to the geographical and organisational logistics involved. Additionally the empire finds it harder to maintain social cooperation among its people, its asabiya.
sim349 runs, 91 downloads
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Turchin Empire Collapse Collins Geopolitical

Collins Theory of Geopolitics - Effect of War

The spread of an empire according to the theory of Randall Collins and equations of Peter Turchin
sim425 runs, 66 downloads
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war empire geopolitics collins turchin

Spread of Disease

A simple SIR model is examined using the Hayward/Boswell Loop Impact Method.
sim431 runs, 121 downloads
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SIR Disease Infection Loop dominance loop impact

The Dynastic Cycle

The model of Feichtinger, Forst and Piccardi.
sim306 runs, 34 downloads
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History limit cycles social modeling psychology Hayward

Collins Theory of Geopolitics - Logistical Load

The spread of an empire according to the theory of Randall Collins and equations of Peter Turchin. I ... Read more
The spread of an empire according to the theory of Randall Collins and equations of Peter Turchin. Includes limits to growth due the distance beween the empire's expansion zone and centre.
sim129 runs, 41 downloads
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limits to growth war empire geopolitics Collins

Gone with the Wind

The loop impact method of Hayward/Boswell is applied to a single second order balancing loop using t ... Read more
The loop impact method of Hayward/Boswell is applied to a single second order balancing loop using the narrative of the love relationship between Rhett and Scarlet from Gone with the Wind.
sim202 runs, 20 downloads
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Loop dominance Loop impact Oscillation Second order loop Hayward

Overshoot and Collapse

Overshoot and collapse behaviour is examined using the Hayward/Boswell Loop Impact Method.
sim111 runs, 61 downloads
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Overshoot collapse loop impact loop dominance Hayward

Demographic Fiscal Model of State

An agrarian population can exceed its normal carrying capacity by the formation of a state that help ... Read more
An agrarian population can exceed its normal carrying capacity by the formation of a state that helps improve land productivity. As the population and state grow, it becomes harder for state revenue to stay ahead of expenditure. Eventually the state runs out of money and collapses, with a large drop in population numbers.
sim72 runs, 41 downloads
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Social modelling Psychology Turchin Overshoot Collapse


Test model to implement John Haywards theory in growth of church and disciple-making movements
model158 downloads
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Church growth

Rise and Fall of Empires

Empires rise through the desire for things such as power, peace & wealth. It can even attract others ... Read more
Empires rise through the desire for things such as power, peace & wealth. It can even attract others. However the rise of nationalism, institutionalism and the remoteness of the ruling elite can lead to imperial decline
sim34 runs
Empire Overshoot and decline Imperial Expansion Power Peace

Uploading a Bundle from Zip

Instead of creating bundles, categories, and assemblies one by one, you can upload a single zip file that contains all of your bundle's content. To create your zipped bundle, make a folder with your bundle's name and add subfolders with your categories' names. The folder tree should have the same structure that you want the categories to have in your bundle. Place your assembly .stmx files in the appropriate category folders, then zip your bundle folder and upload it using the Upload Bundle from Zip link above.

Assemblies, Bundles, and Categories

Assemblies are self contained models that demonstrate common ways to connect together building blocks and that can be used as parts of other models. This is analogous to using prefabricated wall and roof pieces to construct a house.

Bundles are groups of assemblies with a common use or theme. For example, a Health Care bundle might contain a variety of assemblies that aid in creating health care models. When you download assemblies from the isee Exchange™, you download an entire bundle, rather than individual assemblies.

Categories are subgroups of assemblies within a bundle. For example, a Health Care bundle might contain a Funding category for assemblies related to the management of hospital funds. All assemblies must be assigned to a category—they cannot be assigned to the root of a bundle.

Assemblies, bundles, and categories can be created and uploaded to the isee Exchange™ via the options on the Manage My Assemblies page. To learn more, visit our help pages, or take our assemblies tutorial.

Sim App (Sim)

An interface that allows users to interact with a model.

Image of a sim

Sim apps allow users to interact with a model using buttons, sliders, knobs, tables, graphs, and storytelling. These interactions help users understand how parts of a system interact.

Interfaces are created by model authors in the Stella desktop software and can be uploaded to the isee Exchange™.


A diagram that represents how elements in a system influence one another.

Image of a model

Models are mathematical representations of how elements in a system are connected and interact (e.g., ecosystems, organizations, supply chains). When running models on the isee Exchange™, results can be viewed in output devices like graphs and tables.

Models appear in the isee Exchange™ directory when authors upload them from the Stella® desktop software or create them with Stella Online™.

Causal Loop Diagram (CLD)

A map that represents the feedback structure of a system.

Image of a CLD

CLDs are high-level maps that represents the feedback structure of a system and easily communicate the essence of a model. They appear in the isee Exchange™ when authors upload them from the Stella desktop software or create them with Stella Online™.