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Number of items: 106
Date joined: Jun 26 2016

The Creative Learning Exchange was founded as a non-profit in 1991 by the progenitor of the field of ...Read more The Creative Learning Exchange was founded as a non-profit in 1991 by the progenitor of the field of System Dynamics, Jay W. Forrester, to encourage the development of systems citizens who use systems thinking and system dynamics to meet the interconnected challenges that face them at personal, community, and global levels. The Creative Learning Exchange encourages an active, learner-centered process of discovery for 3-19 year old students that engages in meaningful, real-world problem solving through the mastery of systems thinking and system dynamics modeling. Hide full description

Creative Learning Exchange's Work

(Oscillation Series)

Fun with Springs-LevelA

This simulation is part of the oscillations series from the Creative Learning Exchange, http://www.c ... Read more
This simulation is part of the oscillations series from the Creative Learning Exchange,
sim1772 runs, 12 downloads
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spring physics oscillation


Level A: Up and Down in the Wild: Predator and Prey This lesson allows students to explore the in ... Read more
Level A: Up and Down in the Wild: Predator and Prey This lesson allows students to explore the interactions of two animal populations (wolves and moose) within an ecosystem. One animal in the simulation is a predator. The other animal is its prey. Their populations rise and fall (oscillate) over time as they interact and impact one another.
sim400564 runs, 689 downloads
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ecosystem population predator prey oscillation


Level B: Exploring Springs: A Little Bounce in the World Students explore a simple spring simulat ... Read more
Level B: Exploring Springs: A Little Bounce in the World Students explore a simple spring simulation to see how springs behave, given different characteristics. Students can change the springiness (spring constant), the resistance, a mass at the end of the spring, and the amount of push or pull.
sim10316 runs, 18 downloads
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Level B: From Farm to Table: The Ups and Downs of What We Buy This lesson explores a commodity ma ... Read more
Level B: From Farm to Table: The Ups and Downs of What We Buy This lesson explores a commodity market, hog farming, from two different perspectives. Students experience a simulated large and small farm, comparing the similarities and differences among trends, including retail pork prices and availability of pork.
sim77 runs, 13 downloads
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Business Science Economics

Romeo and Juliet-LevelC

Part of the oscillations series of simulations, this sim explores a what if scenario, had Romeo and ... Read more
Part of the oscillations series of simulations, this sim explores a what if scenario, had Romeo and Juliet not ended in tragedy.
sim692 runs
oscillation literature


The behavior over time of a population limited by density-dependent factors is called logistic growt ... Read more
The behavior over time of a population limited by density-dependent factors is called logistic growth. You will be simulating a model of logistic population growth. You'll be able to change factors that address how fast an animal population grows, how long individuals in the population live on average, and how much area the population has available. See if you can vary the shape of the logistic curve, or create something different.
sim17872 runs, 90 downloads
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populations logistic


This simulation allows you to explore choices for scheduling time; you can schedule more activities ... Read more
This simulation allows you to explore choices for scheduling time; you can schedule more activities or fewer activities. Activities include going to school, studying, working a part-time job, playing sports, being in a club, and taking care of a younger sibling.
sim564 runs, 13 downloads
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oscillation burnout stress exercise


Level B: Wild Things: Interacting Populations This lesson allows students to explore the interactio ... Read more
Level B: Wild Things: Interacting Populations This lesson allows students to explore the interactions of two animal populations (predator and prey) within an ecosystem. Their populations can rise and fall (oscillate) over time as they interact and impact one another.
sim15071 runs, 36 downloads
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ecosystem predator prey oscillation


sim42593 runs, 73 downloads
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ecosystem predator prey oscillation balance


Level C: Hog Wild: Fluctuations in Commodities Markets This model illustrates how a commodity often ... Read more
Level C: Hog Wild: Fluctuations in Commodities Markets This model illustrates how a commodity often oscillates over time based on supply, demand, and price. Students explore a pork commodity, comparing simulation results given two scenarios for large and small farms.
sim77 runs, 10 downloads
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Business Science Economics


Predator/Prey/Biomass Level B: Circles of Interaction: Predator, Prey and Plants This lesson explo ... Read more
Predator/Prey/Biomass Level B: Circles of Interaction: Predator, Prey and Plants This lesson explores predator (wolf), prey (moose), and food (plants) within an ecosystem. Students role-play being a wildlife manager who is doing "on the job" training. The manager controls hunting of prey populations and killing of predators. The default simulation behavior for prey, predators, and food is oscillation.
sim4190 runs, 25 downloads
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oscillation ecosystem


Predator/Prey/Biomass Level A: All Together Now: Predator, Prey and Plants This lesson allows st ... Read more
Predator/Prey/Biomass Level A: All Together Now: Predator, Prey and Plants This lesson allows students to explore the interactions of two animal populations (wolves and moose) and plants within an ecosystem. The populations and the plants rise and fall (oscillate) over time as they interact and impact one another.
sim16892 runs, 53 downloads
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ecosystems oscillation

Romeo and Juliet-LevelB

Students use a simple simulation to explore "what if" questions relating to characters. They can cha ... Read more
Students use a simple simulation to explore "what if" questions relating to characters. They can change how characters behave to consider whether a story might have emerged differently. Note that students do not need to read the play, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet in order to explore the simulation.
sim1235 runs, 29 downloads
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literature oscillation romeo juliet


sim1141 runs, 1 download
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oscillation playground relationships


Part of the osillation series, this simulation explores populations with a carrying capacity (one th ... Read more
Part of the osillation series, this simulation explores populations with a carrying capacity (one that does not oscillate because it has just one stock).
sim16903 runs, 89 downloads
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population ecology


This lesson explores how animal populations can grow and decline over time through use of a simulati ... Read more
This lesson explores how animal populations can grow and decline over time through use of a simulation. This very simple model allows students to impact the birth and death rates based on input for different animals. The simulation displays what happens to the different populations over time. Students can compare the resulting trends for different animals and consider why those trends occur. Students may also research additional animal data in order to create their own runs.
sim5763 runs, 22 downloads
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Level C: Eat and Be Eaten: Prey as Predator, Predator as Prey This model explores a moose and wol ... Read more
Level C: Eat and Be Eaten: Prey as Predator, Predator as Prey This model explores a moose and wolf population. A predator/prey relationship is present, as with Lesson 4, but now the moose have a food source, creating a more realistic representation of the ecosystem. Students take on the role of wildlife manager and control hunting policies for both predator and prey populations. The default simulation behavior for prey, predators, and biomass is oscillation. Depending on policy decisions, a variety of results occur.
sim8081 runs, 96 downloads
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science ecosystem oscillation predator prey


Burnout Level C: The Big Squeeze: Pressure, Achievement and Burnout This model illustrates a w ... Read more
Burnout Level C: The Big Squeeze: Pressure, Achievement and Burnout This model illustrates a workaholic situation where pressure is entirely internally generated through increasing one's own expectations for oneself. Overachievers can understand how setting the bar ever higher can be unhealthy behavior over the long-term even though they have been successful with this strategy so far in life.
sim1625 runs, 10 downloads
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Springs Everywhere: Exploring Spring-mass Dynamics - Level C What makes a spring, a spring? Springs ... Read more
Springs Everywhere: Exploring Spring-mass Dynamics - Level C What makes a spring, a spring? Springs are all around us, but rarely thought of or considered for what they are – oscillating systems.
sim812 runs, 13 downloads
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Physics springs slinky

Uploading a Bundle from Zip

Instead of creating bundles, categories, and assemblies one by one, you can upload a single zip file that contains all of your bundle's content. To create your zipped bundle, make a folder with your bundle's name and add subfolders with your categories' names. The folder tree should have the same structure that you want the categories to have in your bundle. Place your assembly .stmx files in the appropriate category folders, then zip your bundle folder and upload it using the Upload Bundle from Zip link above.

Assemblies, Bundles, and Categories

Assemblies are self contained models that demonstrate common ways to connect together building blocks and that can be used as parts of other models. This is analogous to using prefabricated wall and roof pieces to construct a house.

Bundles are groups of assemblies with a common use or theme. For example, a Health Care bundle might contain a variety of assemblies that aid in creating health care models. When you download assemblies from the isee Exchange™, you download an entire bundle, rather than individual assemblies.

Categories are subgroups of assemblies within a bundle. For example, a Health Care bundle might contain a Funding category for assemblies related to the management of hospital funds. All assemblies must be assigned to a category—they cannot be assigned to the root of a bundle.

Assemblies, bundles, and categories can be created and uploaded to the isee Exchange™ via the options on the Manage My Assemblies page. To learn more, visit our help pages, or take our assemblies tutorial.

Sim App (Sim)

An interface that allows users to interact with a model.

Image of a sim

Sim apps allow users to interact with a model using buttons, sliders, knobs, tables, graphs, and storytelling. These interactions help users understand how parts of a system interact.

Interfaces are created by model authors in the Stella desktop software and can be uploaded to the isee Exchange™.


A diagram that represents how elements in a system influence one another.

Image of a model

Models are mathematical representations of how elements in a system are connected and interact (e.g., ecosystems, organizations, supply chains). When running models on the isee Exchange™, results can be viewed in output devices like graphs and tables.

Models appear in the isee Exchange™ directory when authors upload them from the Stella® desktop software or create them with Stella Online™.

Causal Loop Diagram (CLD)

A map that represents the feedback structure of a system.

Image of a CLD

CLDs are high-level maps that represents the feedback structure of a system and easily communicate the essence of a model. They appear in the isee Exchange™ when authors upload them from the Stella desktop software or create them with Stella Online™.